All you need to know about Stripe merchant account fees

Stripe is a popular payment processor that provides services to businesses of all sizes. If you're looking for a merchant account, you can use Stripe merchant account to accept payments from customers around the world. In this article, we'll discuss the fees associated with accepting money through Stripe and how much it costs per transaction.

What is a merchant account?

A merchant account is a bank account that allows you to accept credit card payments. If you want to accept credit cards online, you'll need a merchant account.

Merchant accounts are also known as payment gateways and can be either hosted or on-premise (that is, hosted by your company). Hosted merchant accounts are usually more flexible than off-site ones and allow companies with limited IT resources or budgets to easily set up their online stores without having to pay extra fees for hosting costs.

On top of processing transactions on behalf of customers who use the Internet as their preferred payment option (and accepting other forms of payments like cash), these services give businesses access through multiple channels--including mobile apps--to collect information about customer behavior so they can make better decisions about what kinds of offers will work best for each individual clientele base."

How much do Stripe merchant accounts cost?

Stripe has a flat-rate pricing structure. They charge a flat fee for every transaction processed, regardless of the amount or size of your business. There are no setup fees or monthly charges with Stripe, so there's no risk in trying out their service if you're just testing the waters with one cardholder.

Stripe also has no minimum monthly processing volume requirements—you don't need to worry about hitting some arbitrary number before being charged extra money! This makes it great for small businesses who want to focus on growing their customer base instead of worrying about how much money they're spending each month on processing fees.

Stripe credit card processing fees

Stripe charges a flat fee for each transaction, regardless of the amount. That means that if your credit card payment is less than $5,000 and it's processed by Stripe Connect (the mobile checkout option), no fees will be charged to you.

For transactions over $5,000: The percentage-based pricing structure applies here as well; however, there are no discounts offered to large businesses like banks or financial institutions—they still pay full retail value for their transactions.

For payments made with an Apple Pay or Samsung Pay phone: Apple and Google both charge their own fees for this service (and neither company discloses them publicly).

Stripe offers a flat-rate pricing structure that is competitive with other online merchant accounts.

You may be wondering why the fees for Stripe merchant accounts are so low. The answer is simple: they offer a flat-rate pricing structure that is competitive with other online merchant accounts.

Stripe's pricing structure is simple and transparent. They charge an average of 2.9% per transaction, which means that if you process $100 worth of sales every month through your account (and assuming no other fees), it would cost around $3 in fees annually (or 0.08% of gross revenue). This figure varies based on how many transactions you process and how much money they're worth (more on this later).

The reason this number differs from others' rates? It's based on volume rather than value; if someone buys something for $10 but doesn't spend more than their limit, then there won't be any additional charges applied during checkout because nothing was purchased beyond what was allowed by Google or PayPal's terms & conditions--for example: If someone buys something from Amazon using their credit card because they have no balance left on their account after making purchases elsewhere online before buying something offline at Walmart instead just because he wanted some breadsticks while waiting outside his favorite bakery...

For example, if your business processes $10,000 through Stripe in a given month, you can expect to pay $350 in total service fees for that month.

For example, if your business processes $10,000 through Stripe in a given month, you can expect to pay $350 in total service fees for that month.

Stripe charges a percentage of the transaction value. For example: if you charge customers $100 on their credit card and they pay with Venmo (a popular payment platform), you'll be charged 3% of those transactions—$3 per transaction ($0.03). If the same customer pays with PayPal instead of Venmo or another competitor's product, then that same transaction would cost only 1%.

If there are multiple salespeople working together within your organization (like an e-commerce team), each person will need their own account while working independently with different merchants; therefore they'll also have individual pricing plans based on their specific needs and goals as well as how much money or volume they're generating at any given time throughout each billing cycle."

Fees for accepting ACH payments are similarly simple to understand.

Stripe merchant account fees for accepting ACH payments are similarly simple to understand.

Accepting ACH payments is free. The ACH network is a cross-border payment system that allows banks, credit unions and money transfer companies to move money around the country quickly and easily. This means that Stripe merchants can receive funds in their bank account or credit card account on the same day they're transferred into theirs, rather than having them sit in limbo until they're collected by their bank or transferred through PayPal's "Escrow" service (which also costs money).

Processing international ACH payments is only available within the US—so if you want your business located elsewhere but still accept international card transactions, you'll need to contact us about setting up a second Stripe account for those purposes!

Here's how much it costs to accept ACH payments through Stripe:

Stripe charges $0.25 per ACH transaction, with no additional fees for processing more than $1k in monthly payments. If you process more than $80k per month of ACH payments, all of your customers will be charged an annual fee of $0.15 per transaction (excluding credit cards).

If you want to get started accepting ACH payments from your customers now, all you have to do is register for a merchant account at Stripe and link it with the bank account that holds their money so they can deposit funds directly into your bank account!

Additional fees from Stripe

There are two additional fees you'll be charged if you use Stripe to accept credit cards. First, there's the $5,000 minimum monthly processing volume (MVV). This means that if your company processes more than $5,000 in transactions per month and has a business bank account with them, they can't charge you anything extra for accepting credit cards via their service.

The other fee is what they call "transaction fees." These are set at $0.0030 per transaction processed through their platform—which is different than their standard fee of 2%, which applies only when customers pay with plastic instead of cash or cheque at checkout (and would normally come out of your own pocket).

As you can see, these are pretty straightforward. Let's take a look at them one at a time.

Stripe charges a flat 1.9% + $0.30 per transaction for every payment on your website, with no additional fees for accepting cards or managing fraud prevention measures (although you might have to pay for this separately). This is their standard fee structure and applies whether you charge customers through Stripe or another processor like PayPal or Braintree (which we'll talk about later).

The company also charges $0.30 per transaction as part of its "connecting payment methods" service—this covers connecting users who want to make purchases using their existing bank accounts without having to create an account with us first; if they do create an account before making a purchase using our service then they will be billed accordingly as well!

International transactions with Stripe cost 2% on top of the usual transaction fee.

Stripe charges a 2% fee on international transactions. This is in addition to the standard transaction fee and applies to all payments made outside of the US, regardless of whether you're using a debit or credit card.

The exception is American Express payments made with Stripe, which have their own separate set of fees that we'll discuss next.

Refunds processed manually through the dashboard cost $15.

If you process refunds manually through the Dashboard, they will cost $15.

If you process refunds through the API or Stripe Connect, they cost $15.

If you process refunds manually through either tool, but not both of them at once (like if one account is currently processing and another is pending), it's still only $15!

If you process less than $80k per month or under $1k per transaction, Stripe is likely to be a good fit for your business.

If you process less than $80k per month or under $1k per transaction, Stripe is likely to be a good fit for your business. Stripe offers a flat-rate pricing structure that is competitive with other online merchant accounts.

Even though they have no monthly fees, they do charge per-transaction fees based on the total amount of money being sent through their system (e.g., if someone pays $500 via PayPal and then sends another $500 via Stripe's platform, both transactions incur a fee).


We hope this article has given you a better sense of what to expect from Stripe as far as fees go. In a nutshell, the company's pricing structure is straightforward and transparent: if you process less than $80k per month or under $1k per transaction, Stripe is likely to be a good fit for your business. If you need more detailed information about how much each type of payment costs, or if there are any other questions about merchant services that aren't covered here (like international transactions), we recommend reaching out to us directly at


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